I lecture, teach and give concerts – solo programmes for piano or fortepiano, and chamber music programmes with a singer, or with my husband Anton Steck on baroque violin. Please get in touch to schedule a lecture or a performance! Below are some examples for the 2023/24-season:


Piano Playing in 1820s Vienna. A lecture with piano demonstrations. (45-60 Min)



From Memorial Pillars to Memory Sticks. On the significance of transfer of knowledge and events. (Lecture, 20-30 min).



From Facebook to The New York Times. Getting attention in a digital world. In this lecture (20 min), I share my own experiences in ‘accidentally’ making headlines all over the world after posting photos from a lab session on Facebook.

Fragments and Fantasy. What happens to unfinished pieces? And who decides if the composer is actually finished? A musical journey on the fortepiano.


Beethoven, Vorisek und Spohr – 3 Works for Piano and Violin. With Anton Steck, baroque violin. 

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